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Facts Of The Sugar Industry In Indonesia

  • There are 58 Sugar factories in Indonesia as of 30 Sept 2024.
  • Indonesia needs to increase its sugar production by almost 300 percent from the current amount by 2030 if the country wants to achieve self-sufficiency, including feeding its bioethanol ambition.
  • To realize this, Indonesia would need to reach sugar production of 9.7 million tonnes by 2030, according to data compiled by state-owned plantation holding PTPN. This is a significant increase from last year’s production, which is estimated at around 2.5 million tonnes.
  • The Ministry has targeted building 10 new sugar factories across the country, hoping this could boost sugar production, especially by using produce from smallholders.
  • The government has responded with plans to upgrade the existing sugar mills so they could produce at a higher rate, while simultaneously increasing the number of operating mills. This has involved the government spinning off PTPN’s sugar production to a separate entity, called Sugar Co, since August 2021.
  • The government is preparing one million hectares of land in Papua for investors interested in building sugar factories to help Indonesia achieve sugar self-sufficiency, Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said.

"Yes, it is included in our sugar self-sufficiency plan. We can reach the target if we can build 20 to 30 sugar factories with a capacity of 12,000 TCD," Sulaiman continued.